Short Update

My work week started today (Sunday) which is similar to other countries in the Middle East.  I'm continuing to collect information on my projects related to healthcare of urban Syrian refugees.  The collection of literature and data is going well, and I found two very recent studies/reports that are highly related to my topic.  The first one highlights the concerns of refugees vs other stakeholders in the region (Al-Rousan, Schwabkey, Jirmanus, & Nelson, 2018).  I'm providing a link to the article for people who want to "get into the weeds" of what I am doing.  The other source is actually an extensive report on mental health needs (Asfour & Baca, 2017) of Syrian refugees in Jordan.  I'm very curious to further understand the differences of mental health priorities and barriers of those living in urban areas vs. those living in refugee camps.  Both articles have some interesting data to visualize as well. For my DV followers (or anyone else), let me know if you have any suggestions of how to visualize the data from the articles.  I'll continue to provide updates (as much as I can) to my blog on my work.  Right now, its just a lot of collection, which isn't all that exciting to update on a blog.  

Its not all work of course, we do have a weekend on Fridays and Saturdays.  This past weekend, the team and I went to the Dana Biosphere Reserve and stayed at the Feynan Ecolodge--which I highly recommend (but not for July and August).  I posted several photos of our adventure on my Instagram account.  However, I'll be posting some on this blog as well either tomorrow or the next day.  

As always, I'll close with a photo following the references of the articles cited in this post.  


Al-Rousan, T., Schwabkey, Z., Jirmanus, L., & Nelson, B. (2018). Health needs and priorities of Syrian refugees in camps and urban settings in Jordan: perspectives of refugees and health care providers. East Mediterranean Health Journal, 24(3), 243–253. Retrieved from

Asfour, O., & Baca, M. J. (2017). Understanding the Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs, and Service Utilization of Syrian Refugees and Jordanian Nationals - A Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis in the Kingdom of Jordan. Retrieved from

Dana Biosphere Reserve 

Dana Biosphere Reserve