Day Two: UNHCR

Mural at UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency).  “As one I am fragile.  Together we are strong. Standing together for refugees.”

Mural at UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency).  “As one I am fragile.  Together we are strong. Standing together for refugees.”

Today was another Orientation day.  I won't start my research until Sunday--the start of the work week in Jordan and most of the Middle East.  For me, I'm sure the change in the work week will require some adjusting, but I'll manage. 

In the morning, we met with several individuals from the International Rescue Committee to discuss the Syrian conflict and what is currently happening at the borders for the refugees.  After lunch (I ordered a halloumi sandwich--my fav), we met with an individual from the UNHCR, the UN Agency for Refugees.  We met at one of their registration sites and learned about the process of what happens when refugees arrive in Jordan.  We also discussed the many issues involved in providing services to refugees.  Refugee access to health care was definitely a concern mentioned by ICR and UNHCR in today's meetings.  Fortunately, my project involves refugee access to healthcare so both meetings were extremely helpful to my project.

I'm of course learning a ton of new things, but I found this one tidbit very fascinating.  At Jordan Banks, you can use the iris of your eye to access your account through an ATM and for other purposes.  Fascinating.  

While at the UNHCR, I saw the mural above and had to take a picture.  I love street art and murals, so I had to add it to my collection.  It has a nice message as well.  

Overall, things are going smashingly well.